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Guest*House, 2019

Trans* Home is a shelter for trans individuals, LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees who need a safe place to stay in Istanbul. It was established by the LGBTI Solidarity Association in 2012.


Guest* House / Misafir* Hane was a collaboration between writer Defne Çizakça and myself that aimed to bring awareness to this magical place through an interplay of images and words. l photographed the shelter’s residents, and Defne wrote a magically real account of their journeys (in Turkish and English). 


The project was turned into a book with the kind support of the Dutch Consulate in Istanbul. Guest* House / Misafir* Hane was designed by Merve Deniz, published by Mas Matbaa, managed by Kübra Uzun and launched on the 17th of June 2019 in the Dutch Palace on Istiklal Street.

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